Filters on all trees
One of the very latest features we added allowed for extremely precise filtering of data trees located on the left side of the screen.
However, this functionality was not yet available for all the trees visible on the right.
We are pleased to announce that this gap has now been filled!
For instance, imagine you are currently reviewing the list of tests associated with a requirement.
You now want to refine your selection to include only those tests that have not yet been approved, so you can prioritize them for action.
It's a breeze! Simply create a filter and apply it:
More new statistical graphs
We have introduced new distribution charts within the folders of requirements, specifications, tests and bugs.
These charts provide a clear and precise view of the distribution of items within these folders.
For example:
Statistics on requirements folder
Statistics on tests folder
Statistics on bugs folder
Result filters
Continuing in our quest to enhance data visualization, we have now made it possible to filter the results you wish to display in various dedicated panels.
Consider a common scenario: when a test campaign reports certain tests as non-executable, it can be wise to filter these tests.
You have the option to consider that a non-executable test must be included in the statistics because it SHOULD be executable, or you can choose to hide them from the statistics if they are not necessary.
In all existing panels that display results (in SUT, requirements, specifications, tests, campaigns, and sessions modules), you will now find a filter area (which can be hidden) that allows you to select or deselect statuses according to your preferences.
Search for attachments
As part of our commitment to replace all the old tables with new ones that support pagination and inline search, we have reached a significant milestone.
Now, regardless of the entity to which you've attached attachments, you have the option to list them by page and, more importantly, to search them online.
This functionality proves essential if you have numerous attachments.
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